UFC Gym Coach Ryan Scrooc's Shares His Full-Body Beach Workout Routine - Muscle & Fitness

Get Superset for Summer with UFC Personal Trainer, Coach Ryan Scrooc's intense Full Body Beach Workout Routine!

With summer just several weeks away, many of us are looking forward to sunny days and the chance to catch some rays, but the idea of losing a layer or two of clothing is something that we are not quite as ready for. The good news is that there is still time to make an investment in our ‘gym bods’ before we are called upon to hit the beach. Here, Ryan Scrooc, a certified personal trainer and assistant fitness manager at UFC Gym Torrance, shares his full-body beach workout with M&F.

“Full-body workouts are a great way to get in shape for everyone from beginners to seasoned lifters,” says Scrooc. “There are a lot of benefits to full-body workout routine, but for me the biggest one is the ability to burn more calories in less time. Most people don’t want to spend lots of hours each day in the gym but a good full body program can be done in as little as 45 to 60 minutes per session, three times a week.”

To this end, Scrooc advises that supersets are an efficient way to save time while maximizing effort in the gym, using little rest time and simply getting the job done quicker.

Full Body Beach Workout Breakdown By Body Part


“I always recommend working out from the bottom to the top,” says Scrooc, who has helped countless clients to lose weight and build muscle. “Leg exercises are the toughest and require the most movement and energy. So, since we have the most energy at the beginning of a workout, let’s use this on our biggest muscle group!

“We’ll start with a leg-focused superset, which means you’ll go immediately from the squats straight into the lunges with no rest in between. It’s important to have a stable base when performing squats. So, create a solid starting position by placing your feet even with each other, about shoulder-width apart. Once you’ve set your feet, then you can concentrate on the upper body and always remember to keep your chest up. While you can use a variety of equipment to perform squats, your own body weight can also be effective. And, since this superset requires that you will go directly from squats straight into lunges, I recommend using dumbbells, kettle bells, Bulgarian bags or any other weights that will work for both exercises so that you can make an easy transition with as little rest as possible.

“Lunges can be a difficult movement to perfect at first, so just remember to take it slow and focus. Begin in a split stance with your feet about two to three feet apart and then slowly bend one knee at a time, lowering yourself down and then pushing yourself back up to the starting position.”

Upper Body

“Now that we’ve gotten the legs out of the way, it’s time to start having some fun,” says Scrooc, who is also a competitive bodybuilder. “This next superset is going to help transform your upper body; by focusing on the muscles involved in pushing and pulling. Your chest and triceps play a big role in the floor press, while row exercises focus on your back.

“To execute a proper floor press, find a spot on the floor to lie down and use a pair of dumbbells that you’re comfortable with. Lift both weights simultaneously at a 45-degree angle, until your arms are fully extended, then lower them until both elbows touch the ground. Be sure to maintain control as you lower the dumbbells slowly so that you aren’t slamming your elbows into the ground repeatedly.

“You will then go immediately from the floor press into the bent over row, so stand tall with your chest up and a slight bend in the knees, while holding the dumbbells in each hand. Then, slowly lower your upper body so that it’s parallel to the ground, while keeping your back as straight as possible. From this position, pull the dumbbells up until you reach approximately hip height, then lower them back to your starting position.”


“Your shoulders are a very important muscle group that are used every day without you even realizing it,” explains Scrooc. “This superset will strengthen your shoulders by utilizing three exercises, beginning with the standing shoulder press. Start with a pair of dumbbells by your side and then use some momentum to bring both of your arms up simultaneously to about chin height. From there you will press the weights straight up and high above your head before lowering them slowly back to your starting position.

“Proceed immediately from the shoulder presses into a set of lateral raises, starting with the dumbbells by your hips. Then, raise both arms out to the side as if you are trying to fly away, before lowering them slowly back to your starting position. You don’t need to bring the dumbbells any higher than shoulder height.

“For the rear delt fly, similar to the row, you will bend your knees and bring your upper body parallel to the ground. From this bent over position, lift the dumbbells simultaneously out to the side, but again, you don’t need to bring your arms any higher than shoulder height. Lower the weights slowly back to your starting position.”

Abs & Core

“Having a strong core is much more than just having a small stomach or a six-pack,” says Scrooc, who appreciates that while ab exercises will help with size and definition, these muscles will only show if the appropriate nutritional regime is in-check. Still, larger abs will pop more, making core work all the more important for looking great on the beach. “The core is what keeps your entire body stable throughout the day and is the key to everything from sitting to standing,” explains the coach. “So, to focus on the abdominal muscles we start with lying crunches. Find a comfortable spot on the ground, or a mat, to lie down flat on your back, with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Now, cross your arms over your chest with your palms just below your shoulders and then lift your head and shoulders off the ground and squeeze your abs at the top of the movement. Complete by lowering yourself slowly to your starting position.

“Then, still lying on the ground, you will transition into lying leg raises. Place your hands under your rear and slowly lift both legs up as high as you can before slowly bringing them back down to your starting position on the ground. With minimal rest, you’ll move immediately into Russian twists. Start by sitting on the ground and slowly lifting your legs while keeping them bent. Be sure to keep your upper body up so that you’re creating a ‘V’ shape with your body and legs. Then proceed to twist from left to right while doing your best to touch the ground with each twist.

“With the end in sight, your final ab exercise will be mountain climbers. Position yourself in a high plank and proceed to bring one knee up to your chest and back to your starting position alternating between each leg.”


“Your final full body workout exercise is designed to strengthen your lower back,” explains Scrooc. “You will need to use a hyperextension machine to do these back extensions. First, position yourself on the bench with your feet secured before slowly lowering your upper body as far as you can. Then engage your lower back to bring yourself back up.” Those who may not have access to a hyperextension machine can do good mornings instead, says Scrooc. “To execute a proper ‘good morning’, start with your feet shoulder width apart and toes pointed out, to open your hips. From there, just like the row, you’ll have a slight bend in the knees. Slowly lower your upper body down while bringing your hips back. This will focus primarily on the hamstrings and lower back.

“If you’ve made it this far, congratulations! You’re that much closer to achieving the summer body of your dreams! Try to stay consistent with this full body beach workout, performing them at least three days a week while giving yourself a rest day in between. Remember: maintain a clean diet as this will accelerate rate your physique change. Good luck and see you on the beach!”

Looking to enroll in a gym or find a great personal trainer ahead of summer? Find a UFC Gym location near you!

UFC Gym PT Ryan Scrooc’s Full Body Beach Workout